Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Joel Bennett

Joel Bennett

Joel B. Bennett, PhD is a researcher and consultant in the areas of organizational health and stress, workplace culture, and employee training. From 1994 to 2002 he served on the staff of the Institute of Behavioral Research (Texas Christian University) where he was responsible for the development and evaluation of a team-oriented training for substance abuse prevention. In 2002, this training "Team Awareness" was designated as the first "effective" and "model" program for workplace prevention, by the U.S. Dept.of Health & Human Services. He has published research pertaining to substance abuse, violence, and other behavioral risks in the workplace as well as on factors that mitigate these risks (e.g., psychological presence, work group social health). His teaching credits encompass the areas of social and organizational psychology with specialization in transpersonal science and the study of personal relationships. He is co-author of "Preventing Workplace Substance Abuse: Beyond Drug testing to Wellness" (2003), and author of "Time, Intimacy, and the New Science of Personal Relationships (A Transpersonal Perspective)" (2000). He is also co-author of "Heart-Centered Leadership."

Dr. Bennett has served on the National Prevention Advisory Board for Magellan Behavioral Health, the Board for Management, Spirituality, and Religion for the Academy of Management, and the advisory board for the Fifth Work, Stress, and Health Conference (APA/NIOSH). Dr. Bennett enjoys public speaking and providing training of trainers for certification in Team Awareness.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Close Relationships
  • Communication, Language
  • Group Processes
  • Health Psychology
  • Helping, Prosocial Behavior
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Person Perception
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Research Methods, Assessment
  • Social Cognition
  • Sociology, Social Networks

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Opioid Misuse Crisis

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  • 32:2

    Opioid Misuse Crisis

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    The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence

  • 50:33

    Shifting Our Perception of Time

  • 35:21

    National Institute of Wellness Podcast Interview

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Journal Articles:

  • Bennett, J. B. (1988, September). Power and influence as distinct personality traits: Development and validation of a psychometric measure. Journal of Research in Personality, 22, 361-394.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (2001). Exposure to problem coworkers and quality work practices: A case study of employee violence, sexual harassment, and substance abuse. Work & Stress: An International Journal.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (1999). Change, transfer climate and customer orientation: A Contextual model and analysis of change-oriented training. Group and Organization Management, 24(2), 188-217.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (1999). Employee exposure to co-worker substance use and negative consequences: The moderating effects of work group membership. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 40 (3), 307-322.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (1998). Workplace drinking climate, stress, and problem indicators: Assessing the influence of team work (group cohesion). Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59(5), 608-618.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (1997). Employee views of organizational wellness and the EAP: Influence on substance use, drinking climates, and policy attitudes. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 13(1), 55-72.
  • Bennett, J. B., & Lehman, W. E. K. (1997). From dual policy to dual attitudes: The social construction of substance use policy. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 17(1), 58-83.

Other Publications:

Joel Bennett
Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems
3221 Collinsworth
Suite 220
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
United States of America

  • Phone: (817) 845-2772

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